情報工学領域実習 B

1. URL
2. 担当教員
3. 授業目的
4. 到達目標
5. 授業方法
6. 成績評価
7. スケジュール
8. Debian GNU/Linux のインストールとセットアップ
9. CLI 環境のセットアップ
10. ウィンドウマネージャ導入
11. エディタ (Emacs チュートリアル)
12. タッチタイピング
13. 簡単なツールの設計・開発 (1)
14. 簡単なツールの設計・開発 (2)
15. ペアプログラミング
16. キャリア設計
17. グラフ上のランダムウォーク
18. Python 開発環境 (1)
19. Python 開発環境 (2)
20. 簡単なツールの設計・開発 (3)、Python 開発環境 (3)
21. 研究テーマの理解



2024-09-25 と同じ。



- ペアプログラミングとは何かを他人に説明できるようになる。

- ペアプログラミングの「コツ」を理解し、実践できるようになる。

- 簡単なプログラムを他のメンバとペアプログラミングで開発できるようになる。


課題 1


Pair Programming Tutorial

課題 2

ペアプログラミングにふさわしい席配置、 ノート PC の配置を考え、 そのようにレイアウトせよ。

課題 3

Web ブラウザを起動し、 コマンド行に指定した英単語を OLD (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) で検索した結果を表示する oldw コマンドを作成せよ。

> ./oldw proxy
(Web ブラウザが起動し、https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/proxy が表示される)

課題 4

コマンド行に指定した英単語を OLD (Oxford Learner's Dictionary) で検索し、単語の意味を標準出力に書き出す old コマンドを作成せよ。

> ./old proxy


課題 1


課題 2


課題 3


課題 4


 > ./old proxy
 + word=proxy
 + shift
 + url=https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/proxy
 + lynx --dump https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/proxy
 + sed -n /^proxy/,/^[^ ]/p



    (plural proxies)
    [45]jump to other results
     1. [uncountable] the authority that you give to somebody to do
        something for you, when you cannot do it yourself
           + by proxy You can vote either in person or by proxy.
           + a proxy vote
        Extra Examples
           + It is important that members send their proxy forms in.
           + Our practice is to delegate proxy voting to managers.
           + We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General
        Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + proxy
           + appoint
           + act as
           + serve as
           + …
        proxy + noun
           + vote
           + voting
           + form
           + …
           + by proxy
           + proxy for
           + as a proxy
        See [46]full entry
        Want to learn more?
        Find out which words work together and produce more
        natural-sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary
        app. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s
        Dictionary app.
     2. [countable, uncountable] a person who has been given the authority
        to represent somebody else
           + Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.
           + They were like proxy parents to me.
           + proxy for somebody She is acting as proxy for her husband.
        Extra Examples
           + Your proxy may attend the meeting if you are unable to attend.
           + You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.
           + I am here as a proxy for my father.
        Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + proxy
           + appoint
           + act as
           + serve as
           + …
        proxy + noun
           + vote
           + voting
           + form
           + …
           + by proxy
           + proxy for
           + as a proxy
        See [47]full entry
     3. [countable] proxy for something (formal or specialist) something
        that you use to represent something else that you are trying to
        measure or calculate
           + The number of patients on a doctor's list was seen as a good
             proxy for assessing how hard they work.
        Word Originlate Middle English: contraction of procuracy.

    See [48]proxy in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee [49]proxy
    in the Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English
    Check pronunciation: [50]proxy

 Other results


- 出力が自分の好みになるように整形するとよい。

- 実質は 1 行で書けるプログラム (シェルスクリプトの偉大さがわかる)

lynx --dump "https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/$1" | sed -n "/^$word/,/^[^ ]/p"

- + から始まる行はデバッグ用のメッセージである。

- [45]、[46] 等は URL である (lynx --dump の末尾に表示されていたが削除している)。

- lynx の代わりに w3m を使ったバージョン↓

 サンプル (w3m バージョン、w3m のインストールが必要)

 > ./old2 proxy
 + word=proxy
 + shift
 + url=https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/proxy
 + w3m -dump https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/proxy
 + sed -n /^proxy/,/^[A-Z]/p



 (plural proxies)
 jump to other results

  1. [uncountable] the authority that you give to somebody to do something for
     you, when you cannot do it yourself
       □ by proxy You can vote either in person or by proxy.
       □ a proxy vote
     Extra Examples
       □ It is important that members send their proxy forms in.
       □ Our practice is to delegate proxy voting to managers.
       □ We enclose a form of proxy for use at the Annual General Meeting.
     Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + proxy
       □ appoint
       □ act as
       □ serve as
       □ …
     proxy + noun
       □ vote
       □ voting
       □ form
       □ …
       □ by proxy
       □ proxy for
       □ as a proxy
     See full entry

     Questions about grammar and vocabulary?

     Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable
     guide to problems in English.

  2. [countable, uncountable] a person who has been given the authority to
     represent somebody else
       □ Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf.
       □ They were like proxy parents to me.
       □ proxy for somebody She is acting as proxy for her husband.
     Extra Examples
       □ Your proxy may attend the meeting if you are unable to attend.
       □ You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.
       □ I am here as a proxy for my father.
     Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + proxy
       □ appoint
       □ act as
       □ serve as
       □ …
     proxy + noun
       □ vote
       □ voting
       □ form
       □ …
       □ by proxy
       □ proxy for
       □ as a proxy
     See full entry
  3. [countable] proxy for something (formal or specialist) something that you
     use to represent something else that you are trying to measure or calculate
       □ The number of patients on a doctor's list was seen as a good proxy for
         assessing how hard they work.
     Word Originlate Middle English: contraction of procuracy.

 See proxy in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee proxy in the Oxford

レポート課題 2024-11-13

2024-09-25 のものと同じ。


[<14. 簡単なツールの設計・開発 (2)] [>16. キャリア設計]